The European Cooperation Centre of Fortified Heritage -ECCOFORT- is an institution of research, protection, appropriate utilisation of monuments, effective management and marketing of historical cultural heritage fortresses. ECCOFORT is a non-profit Non Government Organisation (NGO).
ECCOFORT supports the European cooperation, initiates projects and opens the markets for the fortified cultural heritage, promotes the knowledge transfer and best practices. The aim is to help to generate knowledge for better income for the fortress administrations and the fortress cities, for better financing, capitalising and monument economy.
ECCOFORT promotes the acceptance of this heritage in- and outside of Europe, preserves and conveys its intercultural relationships and cooperations and provides a new point of view of this extraordinary heritage by comprehensive information and study tours.
With our network we take part in research and valorisation of historical fortresses, in preparation and organisation of international conferences and projects, in elaboration of scientific and practical-related expertises and in publication of work and research results for more then twenty years in the European Region.

Dipl.-Volkswirt Hartmut Röder
Chairman ECCOFORT e.V.
Diploma (Msc) national economy and regional planning
- CEO of development company GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH, Berlin
- Member of National Center of Competence for Conversion and Ammunition, Steering committee
- Honorary member FORTE CULTURA e.V.
Professional qualification:
- Project development and management, regional and urban development, urban planning
- Conservation, use, management, economy and marketing of fortified cultural heritage, historic sites and monuments
- Development of networks
- Revitalisation and conversion of former military properties and derelict industrial areas

Dirk Röder
Board member ECCOFORT e.V. (Finanzen, Marketing) Banker, Online Marketing Consultant, Author
- Vice President FORTE CULTURA e.V. and Director of the European Cultural Route
- Board member European Federation of Fortified Sites -EFFORTS-
- Founding member Liberation Route Germany e.V.
Professional qualification:
- Network development and management
- Tourism development and marketing
- Regional, national or transnational funding projects
- Financial management
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Rudolf Neumann
Scientific coordinator ECCOFORT e.V., member of board
Architect AIV BDB VDI
Born 1952, Studies and PhD in architecture, town planning, building history and conservation of monuments and historic buildings at the FH Mainz, TU Kaiserslautern and TU Berlin, 1983 – 1985 Traineeship at the State Administration of Building Affairs and in the Ministry of Culture in Rhineland-Palatinate, second state examination for Higher Technical Service Administration, 1982 – 1991 various activities and functions at the State Administration of Building Affairs in Rhineland-Palatinate, 1992 development of the “Architecture and Building Industry” Department of the Institute of Modernisation and Maintenance of Buildings in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen, 1994 – 2004, Auditing Group Manager for “subsidised building projects” (especially in the former GDR), 1999 / 2000 Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Berlin / Postgraduate Monumental Conservation Studies in the field of Renovation Technology, 2005 – 2007 scientific coordinator of European Interreg III B project “Baltic Culture and Tourism Route Fortresses” (BFR), since 2007 manager of Coordination Centre BFR-Management Berlin-D, 2008 – 2010 together with GKU Berlin elaboration of application FORTE CULTURA, 2012 – 2014 scientific management of EU Interreg IV-B funding project FORTE CULTURA, since 2011 Deputy Chairman of ECCOFORT reg.ass., Berlin-D. Research focuses on history, architecture, construction and safeguarding of historic fortifications and fortresses, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Organizing and managing of fortress study tours worldwide. Voting and Expert Member of FRG in ICOMOS/ICOFORT. Has been awarded the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Selected book publications
- Historic fortifications in Southwest Germany; Stuttgart, 1995.
- Historic fortifications in Middleeast Germany; Stuttgart, 2000.
- Sevastopol Crimea – An excursion report (2nd edition); Regensburg, 1994.
- Sevastopol Crimea (3 Vol.); Regensburg, 1998.
- Preservation and Use of historic Citadels; Mainz, 2001.
- Preservation and Use of historic Major Fortresses; Mainz, 2005.
- Appropriate monumental use of fortresses. Documentation and recommended proceeding; Frankfurt (Oder), 2007.
- Bunker. A Bibliography (2 Vol.); Regensburg, 2003 / 2016.
- Fortification excursion reports (15 Vol.); Regensburg, since 2009.
Selected fortress study tours:
2006 – Peking – Vladivostok
2010 – Ukraine – Belorussia – Poland
2011 – Lithuania – Latvia
2012 – Romania
2012 – Cuba
2013 – Rajasthan / India
2014 – Sultanate of Oman
2015 – Punjab / India
2015 – Verona / Italy
2016 – European Turkey
2017 – Maharashtra – Goa / India
2018 – Gibraltar
2019 – Uttar Pradesh - Madhya Pradesh / India
2019 – Malta
2021 – Armenia
2021 – Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia