"Architectura militaris" - Cultural Heritage with special touristic potential
Fortified monuments have a big touristic-economical potential, but until today only a few benefit from this. Many fortified monuments already present very diverse and very interesting leisure and tourism offers, a presentable world of experience for the needs of a modern society.
ECCOFORT initiated this great transnational cooperation project with 13 partners from 8 Central European countries. Sponsored by the European Union they laid the groundwork between 2012 and 2014:
- for a new quality of international fortress tourism,
- created a touristic brand for the fortress tourism for the first time,
- developed new marketing instruments for fortresses and
- founded an European Fortress Network.
More information to the finished European funding project you'll find on the project-website: www.forte-cultura-project.eu
Information about the European Culture Route FORTE CULTURA you'll find in the tourism portal: www.forte-cultura.eu
New Structures for Fortress Tourism and Fortress Marketing
With a transnational cooperation the establishment of new parameters for the preservation, touristic use and economic consolidation of the Cultural Heritage Fortified Monuments began in 2013. This includes the cultural route and the responsible management organisation.
- FORTE CULTURA® is a registered trademark under European law
- FORTE CULTURA® is a specialised tourism product for fortified monuments, funded by the European Union 2012 to 2014
- FORTE CULTURA® is supported by FORTE CULTURA e.V. (formerly European Fortress Tourism and Fortress Marketing Network e.V.).
- FORTE CULTURA® is a far-reaching European fortress network, the cultural route includes more than 40 stations in 10 countries.

Contributors to the European funding project "FORTE CULTURA" to the network conference at Hohensalzburg (AT), June 2013
Project Participating Fortress Sites
Fortress Hohensalzburg (AT)
Fortress Kufstein (AT)
Fortified Ideal City Josefov (CZ)
Fortress Rosenberg, Kronach (DE)
Fortress Königstein (DE)
Fortress Komarom (HU)
Fortified Region Verona (IT)
Major Fortified System Kostrzyn nad Odra (PL), Lead Partner
Organisations / institutes involved in the project
Austrian State Archives (War Archive) Vienna (AT)
ECCOFORT- European Cooperation Centre for Fortified Heritage (DE)
Humboldt-University at Berlin (DE)
TIAW - Thuringian Institute for further education (DE)
Hungarian Tourism Agency (HU)
National Fortress Association Italy (IT)
European Institute of Cultural Routes (LUX)
Institute for the Protection Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (SLV)
Impressions of the kick-off meeting in the fortress town of Kostrzyn nad Odra (PL) in October 2012
FORTE CULTURA Image Film for the Contact Tour 2014